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Strategic fun in Romania

Jenna Tiffany’s experience of speaking and running workshops at the 2019 Digital Marketing Forum in Bucharest, Romania.

Reviewing the performance of your marketing strategy

Review is one of (if not the) most important parts of your strategy. Without having a good, in-depth look at how things went (and why), you won’t be able to build on your insights for the next one. A review helps you to set KPIs for future campaigns and enables you to make every strategy better than the last one.There are several interesting frameworks which can help you to review your performance which will be discussed in this article

Voice in email marketing

Voice tech in email marketing is a development which is really exciting, as I think it will enable us to make email much more accessible than it is at the moment. With the likes of Alexa and Siri able to read out emails to customers, a whole new world of potential opens up. However, the format is not without its challenges, as explained in this article.

DMA Consumer Email Tracker Report 2019 – Key Points

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) Email Council research hub that our founder Jenna Tiffany is a contributing member to have just released their 2019 report – and it makes for interesting reading. In an online survey of 2,022 representative respondents, they gauged attitudes and behaviours towards email marketing amongst the British public.

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