
Our Latest Posts

Execution: Implementing your Marketing strategy consistently (part 1)

We’re now at the stage of execution. You’ve done your research and put in the time and patience to align all the key elements for your strategy. Now it’s time for the exciting bit – implementing your Marketing Strategy!  But hold on a minute…..before we jump in we need to remember that it’s vital to […]

Picking the right marketing channels

There’s a lot to be said about marketing tactics. While they shouldn’t be confused with overall strategy, they’re still a very important aspect of any marketing campaign. You should choose your tactics carefully, and bring all your best resources to the table when executing them. But first, you’ve got to decide which marketing channels you’ll […]

Marketing Planning

This month, we’re going to be talking about marketing planning. Isn’t ‘marketing planning’ the whole thing we do here at Let’sTalk Strategy? Isn’t a ‘marketing plan’ basically a strategy? Well, no. A marketing plan is part of a strategy, but it’s not the whole thing.  A marketing plan – rather than being a road map […]

How to research your customers

At stage R in the STRATEGY framework, the focus is on reach. In this stage, the focus is on discovering your existing customers and target audience.  Companies and organisations must adapt to their customers’ constantly shifting preferences, aversions, and actions, or else they risk losing their business. Consider location tracking as an example. Many people […]

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